Success Stories

Times-7 launches a revolutionary solution for decentralised packing & shipment verification

2020-06-26T00:00:00+00:00June 26, 2020|Applications, Member News, RAIN, Retail, Success Stories|

Retail trends show that consumers are choosing the ease of online shopping and, to keep up with demand, companies are developing click&collect and same-day-delivery business models. As a result, warehouses are becoming smaller and relying increasingly on RAIN systems for tracking and verification. Times-7 has recognized this and created a revolutionary and compact

Why RFID is a ‘must-have’ technology, regardless of sector

2020-03-31T00:00:00+00:00March 31, 2020|Applications, Asset Management, Automotive, RAIN, Retail, Success Stories, UHF RFID|

The benefits of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology are far-reaching, pertinent to many industries and for a variety of applications. The benefits of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology are far-reaching, pertinent to many industries and for a variety of applications. One such gain is quick and efficient data capturing for

Council Post: With The Right Approach, RFID Can Be ‘Enabling,’ Not ‘Disruptive,’ For Business

2020-03-26T00:00:00+00:00March 26, 2020|Applications, Asset Management, Aviation, EVI, Healthcare, Member News, RAIN, Retail, Success Stories, Transportation, UHF RFID|

If executed properly, RFID can prevent disruption to businesses’ operations and our way of life as consumers. As part of our everyday lives, many of us dine out and shop online. But have you considered the ways that technology is involved in facilitating these activities? Did you factor in the

NFC vs. RFID vs. RAIN: What’s the Difference?- BizTech Magazine

2020-01-29T00:00:00+00:00January 29, 2020|Applications, Asset Management, Aviation, Healthcare, IoT, Member News, RAIN, Retail, Success Stories, UHF RFID|

While NFC, RFID and RAIN technology may be similar, they each have clear differences. Learn more about what technology is right for your business! When customers think of paying for their lunch with their phone or smartwatch, it seems like a relatively novel concept. Being able to make a transaction

Continuous Strong Growth Makes NXP UCODE the #1 RAIN Tag IC

2019-06-20T00:00:00+00:00June 20, 2019|Asset Management, Aviation, Food/Animal Identification, Healthcare, IoT, Member News, RAIN, Retail, Success Stories, UHF RFID|

The first quarter of 2019 proved to be another strong one for NXP’s portfolio of RAIN ICs. Not only did we ship more than two billion UCODE ICs, we also confirmed our number-one position for RAIN tag IC revenue. UCODE 8 Performance Drives Growth NXP’s ongoing success with RAIN tags can

SMT production line detects PCBs using RFID | eeNews Europe

2019-01-17T00:00:00+00:00January 17, 2019|Applications, Asset Management, Member News, RAIN, Success Stories, UHF RFID|

Error rate is reduced and documentation is simplified by Harting’s auto-ID solution, an RFID system enabling PCBs to communicate with their SMT production line and containing all the relevant manufacturing data. Based on the company’s RFID-4-SMT auto-ID solution, the new system cuts error rates, radically simplifies documentation requirements and forms