
Beijing new airport to introduce RFID-tech in baggage tracking

2019-06-24T00:00:00+00:00June 24, 2019|Applications, Aviation, RAIN, Transportation, UHF RFID|

BEIJING, June 21 (Xinhua) -- Beijing Daxing International Airport will comprehensively introduce radio frequency identification devices (RFID) in baggage tracking, according to China's civil aviation authorities. The adoption of the RFID is among multiple cutting-edge technologies of the Beijing new airport, which is poised to become the country's first batch

Continuous Strong Growth Makes NXP UCODE the #1 RAIN Tag IC

2019-06-20T00:00:00+00:00June 20, 2019|Asset Management, Aviation, Food/Animal Identification, Healthcare, IoT, Member News, RAIN, Retail, Success Stories, UHF RFID|

The first quarter of 2019 proved to be another strong one for NXP’s portfolio of RAIN ICs. Not only did we ship more than two billion UCODE ICs, we also confirmed our number-one position for RAIN tag IC revenue. UCODE 8 Performance Drives Growth NXP’s ongoing success with RAIN tags can

Six things we learnt at Passenger Terminal Expo 2019

2019-05-29T00:00:00+00:00May 29, 2019|Applications, Aviation, RAIN, Transportation, UHF RFID|

Passenger Terminal Expo 2019 has attracted industry stakeholders from all around the world, who travelled to London to shape the future of aviation. Emerging technologies and optimisation solutions dominated this year’s Passenger Terminal Expo (PTE), which provided the perfect platform to explore new products and discuss the challenges the industry

HyWEAR Compact – A New Hybrid Barcode & RFID Wearable Selected as Best New Product Finalist at the 13th Annual RFID Journal Awards

2019-03-20T00:00:00+00:00March 20, 2019|Applications, Asset Management, Aviation, Member News, RAIN, UHF RFID|

Duluth, GA (PRWEB) March 19, 2019 -- FEIG ELECTRONICS, a leading global supplier of RFID and barcode readers and antennas, introduces its new HyWEAR compact, DULUTH, GA. (PRWEB) MARCH 19, 2019 FEIG ELECTRONICS, a leading global supplier of RFID and barcode readers and antennas, introduces its new HyWEAR compact, the new hybrid

PTE interview: How RFID can reduce mishandling rates and enable greater data sharing

2019-03-12T00:00:00+00:00March 12, 2019|Applications, Aviation, RAIN, UHF RFID|

Magali Collot, project manager, end-to-end baggage (APCS), IATA, discusses current thinking around baggage tracking and the role RFID can play in reducing mishandling rates and enabling greater data sharing, ahead of her presentation at Passenger Terminal Conference 2019. Describe your presentation? IATA and RAIN Alliance are working together to help

RFID: Back to the future

2018-12-12T00:00:00+00:00December 12, 2018|Applications, Aviation|

Airlines. is IATA’s flagship multi-platform magazine, offering the latest aviation business news, exclusive airline CEO interviews, and expert insight and analysis. The transformation of the passenger baggage experience is gathering pace. By 2020, many airline customers will notice significant changes that will take the hassle out of managing their bags.