Categories: Tag/Inlay Manufacturer
Address: ES Harajuku Bldg, 1F and 2F, 3-54-2, Sendagaya, Shibuya, Tokyo Japan
Website: https://naxis.net/en/index.php
Contact Information
Yusuke Niwa
Phone: +81 3 5413 4606
Email: info_rfid@naxis.co.jp
About the Company
Now that the world is overflowing with information, it is necessary to respond to it efficiently and timely. Our IoT Division accelerates the digitalization of the world. We provide RAIN RFID tags and labels, inlay development for the global markets. As we have factories in the world, including Japan, China, and Southeast Asia, we can deliver encoded RAIN RFID tags and labels to users all over the world anytime necessary.