Categories: Industrial Equipment Manufacturer, Tag/Inlay Manufacturer
Address: 8080 Norton Pkwy 22D, Mentor, OH 44060 USA
Website: http://rfid.averydennison.com/en/home.html
Gillian Maser
Phone: +1 (347) 867-5643
Email: gillian.maser@averydennison.com
As the world’s largest RAIN RFID partner, Avery Dennison RFID solutions bridge the physical and digital world by providing physical items with a unique digital identity. Our solutions enable advanced efficiency, reliability, and accuracy across our customers’ global supply chains. Through our network of converters, service bureaus and in plant printing solutions we provide a fast, streamlined, and flexible service, from product development and encoding to finished tickets, tags and labels. Meeting the needs for multiple segments from apparel, beauty and food to logistics, pharmaceutical, automotive, aviation & more.
Following the acquisition of Smartrac in February 2020, the combined RFID business boasts the broadest product portfolio in the market, with 1750+ patents and applications and a strong focus on sustainability. We are the only company to hold ARC certification for quality, with a global manufacturing footprint across China, Malaysia, Europe, U.S and Latin America.