Categories: System Integrator / Solution Provider
Address: Rosenholmvej 1-5
DK-7400 Herning, Denmark
Dennis Sand Eskesen
Phone: +45 96 29 00 00
Trimco Group is the trusted partner and provider of RFID solutions tailored for fashion and sports retail. We specialize in producing and encoding high-quality RFID-enabled tags, adhesive stickers, care and content labels, and other variable data products. Our solutions and products are designed in close collaboration with brands, guaranteeing an optimal fit for the brand’s needs and goals. We deliver top-tier RFID tagging solutions, ensuring high-quality tags for accurate data read. Our responsibility is to provide responsive RFID tags readable at every touch point. Through our robust partner network, we leverage each company’s strengths and focus on core value propositions, building customized solutions specifically designed for each brand.