A UHF RFID solution, provided by Telectronica and Zebra Technologies, has enabled Buenos Aires’ Sanatorio Finochietto to view the locations and statuses of 80,000 pieces of clothing and linens as they are used, laundered and returned, thereby reducing manual labor and ensuring nothing leaves or re-enters the facility without proper laundering.
Jan 13, 2020—
Argentine hospital Sanatorio Finochietto is using an RFID-based solution to bring visibility to all of its uniforms and linens, thereby ensuring that each item can be accounted for and that its washing process is conducted properly, while also preventing items from leaving the hospital without authorization. Its laundry services company, Lavadero Berazategui also employs the technology to track items at its own site.
Since the system was taken live approximately two years ago, the hospital says it has been able to reduce the cost of purchasing redundant inventory, as well as cutting labor time that employees previously spent counting garments and linens. It is now attaching RFID tags to other assets, in order to manage their usage and location; this will continue during the first quarter of this year. The solution is provided by Telectronica, using the company’s cloud-based software and leveraging Zebra Technologies fixed RFID readers and antennas, in addition to handheld readers and Datamars RFID tags. The hospital is now tracking about 80,000 garments and linen items with the RFID system.
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Source: Hospital Prevents Contamination and Gains Efficiency via RFID – 2020-01-13 – Page 1 – RFID Journal