Categories: Consulting / Services
Address: 184 High Street, Berkhamsted, Hetrfordshire United Kingdom
Website: http://gillespiemanners.com/
Daria Oborina
Email: daria.oborina@gillespiemanners.com
Gillespie Manner Search and Selection is the executive search firm specialising in various areas of technology, including RFID/Auto-ID and IoT.
Lots of our clients operate in UHF/HF/NFC and we conduct global searches across EMEA, North and South America and APAC regions.
Our markets are all RAIN technology related, partnering with global corporates as well as small tech organisations, sector leaders and emerging challengers in growth phases.
With our market leading Executive Search methodology, based on Prince 2 project management methodology, Gillespie Manners Search and Selection is able to provide “best in market” individuals to our clients in RAIN organisation. With our dedicated research team, extensive market knowledge in RFID/Auto-ID and historical networks we are able to cater for various searches for our clients.