Would you or someone you know like to help guide the organization that will take RAIN Alliance into the future?
We are at an unprecedented, pivotal moment along the growth trajectory of RAIN technology. Opportunities for massive scale deployments will be driven in the short-medium term by the consumer access to RAIN and the emerging Digital Product Passport legislation. In the medium-long term, there is no question about the necessity of finding more sustainable practices to manufacture, distribute, and manage the life cycles of products – requirements for which RAIN is a unique solution.
Against the backdrop of such opportunities, the role of the RAIN Alliance is crucial. It’s more important than ever that each and every member of the RAIN Alliance Board of Directors brings the influence, engagement, energy, and commitment to help drive the industry to increasing success.
The RAIN Alliance is now seeking nominations for four positions on the Board of Directors, to be elected by the membership in Q1 2025.
As the scope and influence of the Alliance continues to grow, we are particularly looking for individuals who:
- Have extensive experience in the governance, strategy, and oversight of rapidly scaling organizations.
- Are sufficiently senior that they can speak credibly on behalf of their own organization and have access to resources (both financial and intellectual) that they can commit towards RAIN Alliance initiatives.
- Are well-networked within the expanding sector and willing to engage directly to support member acquisition with their partner and customer network.
- Clearly demonstrate passion, energy, drive, and a growth mindset.
We recognize diversity and cultural competence as integral components of Board excellence, and as our market expands both geographically and into new segments it is essential that our Board reflects that.
The Board meets each month, with two of these meetings per annum being face to face. It is expected that Board members will be available and well-prepared for all meetings.
Each of the four positions for the election in 2025 will serve a two-year term through March 2027. Candidates may be nominated by any Collaborator Member (formerly known as a Regular Member) company in good standing; self-nominations are also welcome. Nominated persons must also be employed by Collaborator Members of the RAIN Alliance. The deadline for nominations is 7 February 2025.
For consideration, the application and other supporting documentation must be received by the close of business 7 February 2025. Board member duties are explained in full in the Bylaws and Operating Procedures. Should you have any questions, please contact operations@therainalliance.org.
Election Guidelines
Board of Directors
The RAIN Board of Directors currently comprises seven independent members. Approximately half the Board member positions are renewed every year. Three members are due for normal renewal (they will serve until end March 2026).
Procedures for Nomination and Elections
RAIN members may nominate an individual or themselves for a Board of Director position. A completed Nomination Application along with the nominee’s current resume containing job, volunteer, and other industry-related experiences must be submitted by Deadline: 11:59 PM EST on 7 February 2025. (Only those people whose submission form and resume have been received by close of business 7 February will be considered candidates).
The RAIN President will qualify nominees and will contact each to determine if they are willing to serve and to submit a biography. The RAIN President will then provide RAIN Collaborator members with a list of the candidates, qualifications, and a ballot. The winning candidates will be the three candidates receiving the most votes. In the case of a draw then the President will authorize a runoff election between the candidates.
Important Deadlines
Nomination Deadline | 7 February 2025 |
Ballot Opens | 12 February 2025 |
Ballot Closes | 12 March 2025 |
Election Results Announced | 1 April 2025 |
New Directors Officially Take Seats | 1 April 2025 |
Board Member Job Description
RAIN Board Members must be Collaborator Members in good standing. They are voting members of the Board with full authority and responsibility to develop the Alliance’s strategic direction, policies, and procedures; monitor the Alliance’s financial health and committees; participate in budget planning; and support RAIN’s mission, vision, and values. RAIN Board Members are not compensated. The responsibilities of each Board Member are described in the RAIN Alliance Bylaws and Operating Procedures.
Board Member Time Commitments
Board Members are required by the Operating Rules to participate in ALL Board Meetings. These meetings, held at least monthly, comprise 60-minute web-based calls as well as several face-to-face meetings (usually held with the face-to-face meetings of the Alliance).
Candidates will be asked to create a short introduction video of themselves and their qualifications, to be shared with the membership prior to the ballot opening.
Election Nomination Form
I would like to nominate the following individual as a candidate for election to the RAIN Board of Directors. The nominee’s current resume containing job, volunteer, and other industry-related experiences is also attached.
Deadline: 11:59 PM EST on 7 February 2025
Please submit the completed nomination application and the nominee’s resume and headshot.